
Advice for Listing Research Details on Your Resume

When you apply to a job, the details listed on your resume provide your “future employer” with information about the type of job you are looking for.  The key words you include, the way you phrase your accomplishments and experiences, how you order your bullet points, all of this matters. These...


Building skills for career success while in academia

The topic of career planning is something that I discuss with almost everyone I speak with, regardless of whether they are a graduate student or industry professional.  I emphasize that regardless of where someone is in their career, steps can be taken to develop the hard (e.g. techniques) and soft...


Building your “soft skills”

I often advise PhD students on career planning and the many options available to them in and out of academia.  When I ask about specific skills, a lot of them focus only on their research/technical skills, i.e. “hard skills” such as genetics, cell biology, computer science, chemistry or pha...


“How” to find a Mentor(s)

A mentor is someone who shares both wisdom and knowledge. Most often a person that is more senior in a role or specific area of expertise. A mentor can be extremely valuable for advice, insight, and professional and personal development. The importance of having a good mentor cannot be overstated; b...


How do you know if you are a CEO

At the recent “How do you know if you are a CEO” Google Plus webinar on January 7th as part of The Capital Network and Founders Workbench series, a question was raised regarding whether a technical founder is a good candidate for the CEO role. Specifically, the audience member asked about benefi...


Tips for working successfully with recruiters

Recruiters that specialize in your specific area of interest can be a tremendous asset to a job search. These individuals are experts on companies hiring in your field, company hiring preferences, company cultures, growth trajectories, relevant roles and titles for your experience level, industry tr...


Building your Professional Network through Involvement

A well developed network is one of your most important assets.  The quality and strength of your network significantly impacts career opportunities, your career trajectory, and overall success.  It can take years, sometimes decades, to develop a robust professional network, and it often do...


Life takes time – Part 1: Hiring Seasons

Just like the ocean waves, hiring is a process with peaks (fall and spring) and troughs (summer and winter). Certainly, some hiring occur during the troughs, but fewer than the peaks.  During the slower periods, I advise people to actively set aside time to self-reflect. Consider what you want,...


How to identify “relevant” recruiters

Finding a good recruiter who works in your area of interest can be extremely beneficial for your job search. With thousands of recruitment firms, ranging from one person companies that focus on specific roles, i.e. director level clinical affairs roles, to multinational organizations that focus on m...


“How to develop opening lines” Networking Advice

For many, starting a conversation with someone new at a networking event causes much anxiety. People worry about what to say, how the person will respond, and/or what to do if the person is not interested in talking. Below are a few suggestions to remove the anxiety and enable seamless conversations...

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