
Like to write?

If you have followed some of my previous postings here on Bio Careers, then you may know that I am a freelance writer. My career path didn’t start there, however, and it took a few unforeseen twists and turns. I suppose I could say that I may not be where I’d planned to go, but I think I am wher...


Publication plans....redux?

Another blog entry on pub plans? OK, It seemed like a good idea when I first thought of it because pub plans are important and many medical writers get involved in writing them. They are important because phase 2 through phase 4 industry-sponsored, academic and publicly funded drug and medical-devic...


Publication planning....say what?

In academia and medical research, the majority of my writing involved research grants and publication manuscripts. Success in one drove success in the other, a relationship that some of us saw as a “vicious cycle” and others as an “upward spiral.” More planning efforts went toward the resear...


The interview: hold 'em or fold 'em?

Well, it is a gamble, sort of, isn't it? You've read their ad or posting, or listened to the head hunter and said “yes, I can do that,” or “I'd like that.” They've read your reply to their ad or posting, or listened to the head hunter and said, “maybe he can do this,” or “maybe he's th...


How I got to work as a medical writer (You might be surprised)

I had been occupied for four years selling oncology reference laboratory testing services. It was a great job. It was with a start-up venture capital-backed company. We offered a wide range of immunohistochemical testing and gene rearrangement analyses that the “big labs” didn't do yet. Was a Ph...


What was it that you said?

…or wanted to say? …or wrote? How many times have you seen the phrase “... must have excellent written and oral communication skills” listed among the qualifications needed to get a job? The phrase reminds me of many grad school Friday afternoons. That was when we had “Bioseminar.” A ...


Just where do you think you’re going?

We’ve all heard that question before. Even if one just answers “out,” not wanting to get into the details, it’s good to have a destination in mind. Some of you will have guessed that this is really a metaphor for life after grad school. Want another one? I saw a cartoon in the New Yorker mag...


Deadlines? We have plenty of ‘em.

Facing deadlines and having to meet them starts early in life – mostly in school and mostly not that difficult to deal with because they are pretty ordinary. Besides, you and all your buddies are dealing with pretty much the same ones. No problems for years. Go to class, do the assignments, study ...


You’re in (a) good company

So how do you know that? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to answer that question. I mean – if you just think about the people you are talking or sitting with at the moment, or those you are working with right now, it's not so hard to decide if you are in “good company.” After all, you ...


It seemed like a good idea at the time

One of my grad school profs was fond of saying “it seemed like a good idea at the time” when asked why he’d done something. It’s all about finding an idea that really is a good idea. That should mean something to anyone whose grant was just funded, and it means even more when the grant is re...

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